Looking to sell your second-hand car? Having trouble getting a good price for your used car Deagon? Then let The Car Mine sell it for you through our consignment service.
What is consignment?
Consignment is where you make an agreement with a Dealer to sell your car on your behalf

Why is consigment a great way to sell your car?
- We take the hassle or headaches out of selling your used car.
- Your car will be stored at our secure premises with 24 hour security and fully alarmed and monitored showroom.
- We can offer finance and do trade-ins which opens the market up to a lot more potential buyers.
- We can do Professional detailing, RWC and repairs at trade price optimising your top dollar.
- We handle all the marketing advertising your car on multiple websites and social media sites.
- Being in business since 1985, we are very well known and utilise all of our industry contacts providing you with maximum exposure to buyers.
- Selling your car through consigment allows you to sit back and let us sell your car for you.
- Your car is professionally presented on display at our Deagon car dealership and listed online, giving it plenty of exposure to prospective buyers.
- Our expert sales team will aim to get top dollar for your vehicle.
- We pay cash to you on completion of the sale.
Simply tell us about your car and we will be in touch to discuss the process in more detail.